Ride Categories
Harry Whelchel
About 20% of our drivers in Austin, TX have cars that make them eligible for premium, black, or black SUV pricing which is often 3x standard rates. These drivers are often the most professional driving full-time each week. Ride categories would allow us to offer these drivers competitive rates causing more of them to use and support Teleport.
Harry Whelchel
Mike Trout
I think its ESSENTIAL to match the vehicle categories w the offerings of Luber and Styft, PLUS have the backend capability to add any number of niche or specialty vehicles by operators.
Ryan Woosley
Interesting data on what categories users prefer.
Abhilash Jayakumar
Ryan Woosley -- We are starting with two ride options: Standard and Black with the intention of adding other categories in the future (SUV, WAV, etc). The intention is to be incremental and evolve the matching algorithm based on each new pickup types.
We will add the ability to select which ride types you want to driver for in the near future. We are iterating through designs for this that we'd want your feedback on.
Ryan Woosley
Please give drivers the option to select each ride category that they want to receive requests for, given their vehicle qualification.
Paul Bohm
Ryan Woosley will implement once we have basic support done.
Sherry Lane
Ryan Woosley I have a nice car and get Comfort option because of the type of car, that should also be an option so someone doesn't get a hoopty.
Harry Whelchel
in progress